The Misty Wagon story

Misty Wagon began as a small playgroup in reaction to the COVID-19 pandemic. A dedicated group of parents who understood the value of early childhood education and were determined to find a way for their children to experience it, bound together to form a safe group. The parents brought on Sarah Loeb, a passionate educator with a diverse background in progressive education who used her community-minded approach and expertise in early childhood development to establish a vision for the future of Misty Wagon. The Misty Wagon story is one of turning lemons into lemonade. These determined parents collaborated in the face of a crisis to ensure that their children wouldn’t miss out on the wonders of early childhood education. With Sarah’s leadership they came together as a community and had a magical year of learning and exploration only proving the necessity of a preschool experience. As the year came to an end, the story of Misty Wagon had just begun. Sarah expanded the play group into a full schoolhouse and opened the doors to Misty Wagon Schoolhouse in the summer of 2021.

Our name

Misty Wagon was lovingly named by its students on a hot summers day. When prompted to reflect on their favorite elements of the playhouse the children unanimously agreed…

the misters and

the red wagon.

The mist brings with it the magic, wonder and transcendence of early childhood. The wagon holds structure, inspiring the hard work and collaboration it takes to build a community. The name Misty Wagon has come to represent everything that the school is about. Creativity, inspiration and collaboration. It is the intersection of these values that lead to transcendent education.